Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Free Books 20

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo #20
  1. Condensation of the Sixth Annual Review of the Economic Council of Canada: Perspective 1975
  2. Words that Count Women In
  3. Holding the Line: A Strategy for Canada's Development
  4. The Perkins Lectures
  5. The Universities of the Future: From the Ivory Tower to the Market Square
  6. Gateway to the Global Garden: Beta/ Gamma Science for Dealing with Ecological Rationality
  7. In Union is Strength
  8. Questions for Rural Canadians: Rural Dialogue Workbook
  9. Take Hogs, for Example: The Transformation of Hog Farming in America
  10. Local Government in Saskatchewan: A Report Submitted to the Government of Saskatchewan
  11. The Corporate Response to Workers with Family Responsibilities
  12. Farming Facts 1993: Statistical Insights on Canadian Agriculture
  13. The New Face of Poverty: Income Security Needs of Canadian Families
  14. Tourism Marketing for Rural Communities in Canada and the United States: Developing a Strategic Marketing Plan
  15. Cooperatives and the Breakup of Large Mechanized Farms: Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Evidence (taken)
  16. Strategic Planning for the Community Economic Development Practitioner (taken)
  17. A Statistical Profile of Urban Poverty
  18. Citizen Participation in the '90s: Realities, Challenges and Opportunities
  19. La Couronne Canadienne: La Monarchie constitutionelle au Canada
  20. Saskatchewan Crown Corporations: Review 1996
  21. Poverty in Canada
  22. Issues Relating to Value-added Processing of Agricultural Products in Manitoba
  23. Off Farm Work by Farmers
  24. Manitoba: The Color of a Province (taken)
  25. Alberta: The Color of a Province
  26. Financial Assistance Programs for Small and Medium-sized Businesses
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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Free Books 19

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo # 19
  1. American Government 01/02
  2. Statistical Abstract of the United States 1999: The National Data Book
  3. The Web of Life (taken)
  4. Emergence from the Chaos to Order
  5. Agroecology: The Science of Sustainable Agriculture (taken)
  6. The Political Economy of Economic Adjustment
  7. The Politics of Economic Policy
  8. Exploring Sustainable Alternatives
  9. Against the Tide: Community-initiated Development, the Evangeline Experience (taken)
  10. Women, Law and Social Change: Core Readings and Current Issues

Free Books 17 & 18

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo #17
  1. Cases and Readings for Marketing for nonprofit Organizations
  2. The Politics of Inflation and Economic Stagnation
  3. The Power of Ethical Management
  4. Common Property Resources: Ecology and Community-Based Sustainable Development (taken)
  5. Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada (taken)
  6. A Century of Co-operation (taken)
  7. The Companion to Development Studies
  8. Communities, Development and Sustainability Across Canada
  9. Together a Journal of Cooperation and Community (taken)
  10. The UFA/ UFWA, 1909-1921 (taken)

Photo #18
  1. Le Phenomene Bureaucratique
  2. Technological Change in Canadian Industry
  3. Religion, Economics and Social Thought
  4. Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (taken)
  5. Morality of the Market: Religious and Economic Perspectives (taken)
  6. Economics Explained
  7. Environment, Employment ad Development
  8. OECD Agricultural Outlook 1999-2004
  9. Transition to a More Sustainable Agriculture in Iowa
  10. Strengthening Endogenous Development Patterns in European Agriculture

Free Books 15 & 16

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo # 15
  1. The Casual Theory of Justice
  2. Parliament vs. People
  3. Making Kind Choices
  4. The Electronic Republic
  5. The Change Masters
  6. Jumping the Curve
  7. Group Leadership and Democratic Action (taken)
  8. Water for a Dry Land
  9. Rural Development in a Changing World
  10. Controversies in Sociology: A Canadian Introduction

Photo # 16
  1. The Story of CIS and Cooperative Insurance Services (taken)
  2. The Story of CIS and Cooperative Insurance Services (taken)
  3. The Agrarian Revolt in Western Canada (taken)
  4. Populism and Democratic Thought in Canadian Prairies (taken)
  5. For the Common God
  6. Challenges for a New Century
  7. Joining the Entrepreneurial Elite
  8. The New Practical Guide to Canadian Political Economy
  9. Domestic Goods: The Material, the Moral and the Economic in the Postwar Years (taken)
  10. Contemporary International Relations