Thursday, April 3, 2014

Free Books 47

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo #47 (the following are all from a Credit Union Central of Canada Research Initiative)
  1. National Initiative 2000: Final Report, The Options Committee: Opportunities for Progress (Mar 2000)
  2. National Initiative 2000: Interim Report, The Options Committee: Opportunities for Progress, Submitted for Credit Union Feedback (Jan 2000)
  3. National Initiative Project: Reports from the Consolidation of the Centrals Working Committees (Apr 1999)
  4. National Initiative Project: Reports from the Market Growth Opportunities Working Committees (Apr 1999)
  5. National Initiative Project: Process for Establishing the National Service Entity, Phase II: Final Report from the Steering Committee (Oct 1999)
  6. National Initiative Project : Report from the Steering Committee on the Establishment of a National Service Entity (Apr 1999)

Free Books 45 & 46

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo #45
  1. Co-operative, Community and Self Employment Business Ventures: Policy Options for the State Government
  2. Report on the Pan-Arctic Co-operative Conference, 1980
  3. Report on the Pan-Arctic Co-operative Conference, 1980
  4. Growing Co-operatively: A Start-up & Operations Guide for Successful Childcare Co-operatives (taken)
  5. What We Need to Know About the Social Economy: A Guide for Policy Research, July 2005 (taken)
  6. World Council of Credit Unions 1988 Statistical Report and Directory
  7. Saskatchewan's Regional Economic Development Authorities: A Background Document, Nov 2003
  8. The Role of Co-operatives in Childcare (taken)
  9. More than Medicare(Community Health Services Association (Regina) Ltd)

Photo #46
  1. Communities Under Pressure: The Role of Co-operatives and the Social Economy (Synthesis Report, June 2006) (taken)
  2. Directory and Portrait of Worker Co-operatives in Canada (1988) (taken)
  3. Co-operative Entrepreneurship: A Case Study in Worker Ownership (taken)
  4. Cooperative Information Note: China (taken)
  5. World Council of Credit Unions: 1995 Statistics Report
  6. Multipurpose Rural Community Co-operatives Seminar (Wales 1978) (taken)
  7. The Socialization of Entrepreneurship: The Empirical Division of the Caja Laboral Popular (taken)
  8. Worker's Co-operatives: A People Centered Approach to Regional Development (taken)
  9. Credit Union System: Task Force to Revitalize Member Participation (Feb 1990)

Free Books 43 & 44

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo #43
  1. Sample Policies for Cooperatives (taken)
  2. The Concept and Structure of Cooperative Housing
  3. The Concept and Structure of Cooperative Housing
  4. Help Yourself: The Credit Union Story
  5. Rochdale Ethics: Foundation of Cooperative Culture (includes Rochdale Cooperative's original 1844 bylaws and a concordance of Rochdale principles and ethics) (taken)
  6. What Makes People Co-operate? A Strategy for Member Participation in Housing Co-ops (taken)
  7. Sherwood Co-op Association: Behind the Co-op Sign – Our First 50 Years (taken)
  8. Consumer Cooperation: The Heritage and the Dream (taken)
  9. Employment Co-operatives (taken)
  10. Co-operation and Community Development: A Collection of Essays (taken)

Photo #44
  1. The Finnish Cooperative Law (taken)
  2. Co-op / Consumer Sponsored Health Care Delivery Effectiveness, June 1990
  3. Co-op / Consumer Sponsored Health Care Delivery Effectiveness, June 1990
  4. Medical Co-operatives in the World (taken)
  5. Capital Structures of Cooperatives (taken)
  6. Capital Structures of Cooperatives
  7. Innovative Capitalisation for Irish Co-operatives (taken)
  8. Marketing Fundamentals: Consumers, Coordination, Commitment and Cooperatives
  9. Politics, Race and Co-operative Development: A Case Study of Brent CDA (taken)
  10. Family Friendly Co-ops in Canada (taken)

Free Books 41 & 42

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo #41
  1. Autogestion
  2. Workers' Management in Yugoslavia: Recent Developments and Trends (taken)
  3. Cooperation: Making it Work (American Institute of Cooperation, 1977-78) (taken)
  4. Changing Youth: Starting a Youth Credit Union and Learning Centre (A Case Study of the D. Edward Wells Youth Credit Union) (taken)
  5. Agricultural Co-operation in Denmark (taken)
  6. Stratégie et organisation de l'enterprise coopérative
  7. Co-operatives Today: Selected Essays from Various Fields of Co-operative Activities (A tribute to Prof. Dr. V. Laakkonen) (taken)
  8. The Cooperative Workplace: Potentials and Dilemmas of Organizational Democracy and Participation (taken)
  9. Putting Democracy to Work: A Practical Guide to Starting and Managing Worker-Owned Businesses (taken)
  10. A Game-Theoretic Approach to Political Economy (taken)

Photo #42
  1. Slovenia: The Land of Co-operators (taken)
  2. Non-Food Trade Development: Has Sweden the Answer?
  3. Consumer Owned: Sweden's Cooperative Democracy (taken)
  4. Employment Co-operatives (taken)
  5. The Co-operative Movement in Sweden: Past, Present – the Future (taken)
  6. The Co-operative Movement in Sweden: Past, Present – the Future (taken)
  7. The Neighborhood Cooperative: Economic Democracy in Low-Income Communities (taken)
  8. Co-operation in Eastern & Central Europe: Hungary (taken)
  9. Auditors and Audit Committees of Co-operatives (taken)
  10. A Strategy for Co-operation: Worker Co-ops in London (taken)

Free Books 39 & 40

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo #39
  1. The Co-operative Way: Worker Co-ops in France, Spain and Eastern Europe (taken)
  2. What Happened to the Berkeley Co-op? A Collection of Opinions (taken)
  3. Working and Living in Groups (taken)
  4. Credit Unions: A Self-Study Program for Credit Union Employees
  5. Environment and Cooperatives (taken)
  6. Authority and Board Functions in a Credit Union
  7. An Introduction to Co-operatives: A Self-Study Program
  8. Workers' Participation in Decisions within Undertakings (taken)
  9. Cooperatives in India and Pakistan: Some Aspects (taken)
  10. 1971 Report on Co-operatives by Select Committee on Company Law
  11. We Own It: Starting and Managing Coops, Collectives, and Employee-Owned Ventures (taken)
  12. Business Planning in Canadian Public Administration
  13. Our Diverse Cities: Atlantic Region, Spring 2008
Photo #40
  1. Food Co-ops: An Alternative to Shopping in Supermarkets (A guide to organizing and developing a Food Co-op) (taken)
  2. It's Not Just Money (credit unions) (taken)
  3. By Their Own Hands: A Fieldworker's Account of the Antigonish Movement  (taken)
  4. An Introduction to Co-operatives: A Self-Study Program (taken)
  5. An Introduction to Co-operatives: A Self-Study Program
  6. An Introduction to Co-operatives: A Self-Study Program
  7. Deposits Fully Guaranteed: A History of Saskatchewan's Credit Union Mutual Aid Board, 1953-1983 (taken)
  8. University Continuing Education in Canada: Current Challenges and Future Opportunities
  9. By Their Bootstraps: A History of the Credit Union Movement in Saskatchewan (taken)
  10. Building for the Future: A Photo Journal of Saskatchewan's Legislative Building

Free Books 37 & 38

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo #37
  1. Canadian Economic Problems and Policies
  2. The Next Canadian Economy
  3. Cooperatives: Keystone of Agriculture (American Institute of Co-operation, 1980-81)
  4. Co-operative Housing (taken)
  5. Dairy Co-op Issues in Ireland (with special reference to PLC Activities) (taken)
  6. Vocabulary of Cooperative Terms (taken)
  7. Social Economy: Health and Welfare in Four Canadian Provinces (SK, ON, NB, PQ) (taken)
  8. Understanding the Social Economy: A Canadian Perspective (taken)
  9. Understanding the Social Economy: A Canadian Perspective (taken)
  10. Libraries as Leaders in Community Economic Development (Proceedings of a Conference, June 1998, Victoria, BC)

Photo #38
  1. Modern Canada: 1930-1980's (Readings in Cdn Social History, Vol. 5) (taken)
  2. Social Auditing: A Manual for Co-operative Organizations (taken)
  3. Social Auditing: A Manual for Co-operative Organizations (taken)
  4. Social Auditing: A Manual for Co-operative Organizations
  5. Economic Recovery for Canada: A Policy Framework
  6. Rebuilding from Within: Remedies for Canada's Ailing Economy (1984)
  7. Management of Human Systems
  8. Diffusion of Innovations, 4th ed. (taken)
  9. Social Issues: Sociological Views of Canada, 2nd ed.
  10. An Introduction to Sociology

Free Books 35 & 36

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo #35
  1. Each for All: A History of the Co-operative Movement in English Canada, 1900-1945 (taken)
  2. Each for All: A History of the Co-operative Movement in English Canada, 1900-1945 (taken)
  3. Each for All: A History of the Co-operative Movement in English Canada, 1900-1945
  4. Wile Rice in Canada
  5. Is the Canadian Economy Closing Down?
  6. Privilege and Policy: A History of Community Clinics in Saskatchewan
  7. Co-operation: the Key to Better Communities (A Handbook on the Philosophy, History and Development of Co-operative Organizations in Nova Scotia for use in the Schools of the Province at the Grade Eight to Twelve Level) (taken)
  8. Numerical Recipes: Example Book (Pascal)
  9. Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing
  10. Cooperative Education and Experiential Learning (taken)

Photo #36
  1. Third Sector Care: Prospects for Co-operative and Other Small Care Providers
  2. Changing Youth: Starting a Youth Credit Union and Learning Centre (A Case Study of the D. Edward Wells Youth Credit Union) (taken)
  3. Credit Union Development in Africa (taken)
  4. Desjardins: Une entreprise et un mouvement? Guide Bibliographique (taken)
  5. Le Mouvement Coopératif Québécois (taken)
  6. F.W. Raiffeisen: The Credit Unions (taken)
  7. Building and Protecting the Co-operative Movement: A Brief History of the Co-operative Union of Canada, 1909-1984 (taken)
  8. The Man from Margaree: Writings and Speeches of M. M. Coady, Educator/Reformer/Priest (taken)
  9. Managing Technological Change: Strategies for College and University Leaders
  10. Cradled in the Waves: The Story of a People's Co-operative Achievement in Economic Betterment on Prince Edward Island, Canada