Thursday, January 30, 2014

Free Books 27

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo # 27
  1. Making Change? Learning from Europe's Consumer Cooperatives (USA) (taken)
  2. Changing Challenges to Co-operation : Proceedings of a Seminar for Co-operative Personnel Organized by the Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Manitoba, 1967 (taken)
  3. Changing Challenges to Co-operation : Proceedings of a Seminar for Co-operative Personnel Organized by the  Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Manitoba, 1967
  4. Memories of a Co-operative Statesman : Lewis L. Lloyd  (taken)
  5. Caring for Home Place : Protected Areas and Landscape Ecology
  6. Exploring Organic Alternatives : Meeting the Challenge of Agriculture, Health & Community
  7. Enterprise for the Common Man : Proposals for the Revision of the Canada Cooperative Associations Act, 1986
  8. Assessing the Feasibility of Applying the Co-operative Model to First Nations Community Based Development Initiatives : A Case Study of the Xaxl'ep and a Native Plant Nursery (taken)

Free Books 25 & 26

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo #25
  1. How They Sold Our Canada to the USA
  2. Cooperative Financing and Taxation (USA) (taken)
  3. Social Audit : A Management Tool for Co-operative Working (taken)
  4. A New Statute for Cooperatives in the Single Market (European) (taken)
  5. California's Contributions to Cooperation (taken)
  6. Cooperative Principles and Statutes : Legal Descriptions of Unique Enterprises (American) (taken)

Photo #26
  1. Co-operatives and Development : Calcutta, India, February 1986
  2. Co-operative Development : A Case Study in Global Development (taken)
  3. Equity Redemption and Member Equity Allocation Practices in Agricultural Cooperatives (USA)
  4. The Cooperatives in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1984 (Statistics) (taken)
  5. How to Start a Cooperative (USA) (taken)
  6. How to Organize a Cooperative (USA) (taken)
  7. Membership : An Organizational View (USA)
  8. Geographic Distribution of Non-Financial Co-operatives in Canada : A Rural-Urban Perspective
  9. Geographic Distribution of Non-Financial Co-operatives in Canada : A Rural-Urban Perspective
  10. Co-operatives in Ontario : Incorporating a Co-operative Without Share Capital 
  11. Membership Structural Design : A Pilot Test on DHI Cooperatives (USA)
  12. Historical Review of the Co-operative Movement in French Canada : 1850–2000 (taken)
  13. Historical Review of the Co-operative Movement in French Canada : 1850–2000 (taken)
  14. aperçu historique du mouvement coopératif au Canada français : 1850–2000 (the same as the above title but in French) (taken)

Free Books 23 & 24

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

 Photo #23
  1. The Nature of Co-operation (taken)
  2. The Nature of Co-operation (taken)
  3. The Nature of Co-operation (taken)
  4. The Nature of Co-operation (taken)
  5. The Cooperative Road to Abundance : The Alternative to Monopolism and Communism (1953) (taken)
  6. Making Mondragon : The Growth and Dynamics of the Worker Cooperative Complex (taken)
  7. Managing the Cooperative Difference : A Survey of the Application of Modern Management Practices in the Cooperative Context (taken)
  8. The Evolution of Cooperation (taken)
  9. Consumer Cooperation in France : The Politics of Consumption, 1834–1930 (taken)
  10. Organizational Behaviour

Photo #24
  1. Marketing for Co-ops : A Practical Guide (taken)
  2. Co-operative Principles - Today and Tomorrow (taken)
  3. Principles of Co-operation (taken)
  4. Principles of Co-operation
  5. The Co-operative Opportunity (taken)
  6. Patterns and Trends of Canadian Co-operative Development (taken)
  7. Harry L. Fowler – Co-operative Leadership (taken)
  8. Profile of World Agricultural Cooperation, 1996 (taken)
  9. Underdevelopment and Education : Selected Annotated Resources for Saskatchewan and Canadian Educators
  10. Midways, Judges, and Smooth-Tongued Fakirs : The Illustrated History of Country Fairs in the Prairie West
  11. Saskatchewan, 1905-2005: Guide for Teachers

Free Books 21 & 22

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo #21
  1. Healing the Wounds : The Promise of Ecofeminism
  2. The Spirit of the Soil : Agriculture and Environmental Ethics
  3. Adoption of New Ideas and Practices : a summary of the research dealing with the acceptance of technological change in agriculture, with implications for action in facilitating such change (Iowa, 1960)
  4. Global Ecology
  5. Statistics for Social Change
  6. The Wheatgrass Mechanism : Science and Imagination in the Western Canadian Landscape
  7. Agriculture in the City's Countryside
  8. Green Cities : Ecologically Sound Approaches to Urban Space
  9. Agroecology : The Science of Sustainable Agriculture
  10. Case Study Research : Design and Methods (taken)

Photo #22
  1. The Leisure Shock
  2. The Planning of Change
  3. Effective Evaluation : Improving the Usefulness of Evaluation Results Through Responsive and Naturalistic Approaches
  4. Intensive Agriculture and Sustainability : A Farming Systems Analysis
  5. Report on the Demographic Situation in Canada 1993
  6. Integrating Research : A Guide for Literature Reviews (taken)
  7. Outside the Lines : Issues in Interdisciplinary Research (taken)
  8. Self-Renewal : The Individual and the Innovative Society
  9. Hard Tomatoes, Hard Times : A Report of the Agribusiness Accountability Project on the Failure of America's Land Grant College Complex (taken)
  10. Case Study Method : Key Issues, Key Texts (taken)