Thursday, April 3, 2014

Free Books 47

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo #47 (the following are all from a Credit Union Central of Canada Research Initiative)
  1. National Initiative 2000: Final Report, The Options Committee: Opportunities for Progress (Mar 2000)
  2. National Initiative 2000: Interim Report, The Options Committee: Opportunities for Progress, Submitted for Credit Union Feedback (Jan 2000)
  3. National Initiative Project: Reports from the Consolidation of the Centrals Working Committees (Apr 1999)
  4. National Initiative Project: Reports from the Market Growth Opportunities Working Committees (Apr 1999)
  5. National Initiative Project: Process for Establishing the National Service Entity, Phase II: Final Report from the Steering Committee (Oct 1999)
  6. National Initiative Project : Report from the Steering Committee on the Establishment of a National Service Entity (Apr 1999)

Free Books 45 & 46

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo #45
  1. Co-operative, Community and Self Employment Business Ventures: Policy Options for the State Government
  2. Report on the Pan-Arctic Co-operative Conference, 1980
  3. Report on the Pan-Arctic Co-operative Conference, 1980
  4. Growing Co-operatively: A Start-up & Operations Guide for Successful Childcare Co-operatives (taken)
  5. What We Need to Know About the Social Economy: A Guide for Policy Research, July 2005 (taken)
  6. World Council of Credit Unions 1988 Statistical Report and Directory
  7. Saskatchewan's Regional Economic Development Authorities: A Background Document, Nov 2003
  8. The Role of Co-operatives in Childcare (taken)
  9. More than Medicare(Community Health Services Association (Regina) Ltd)

Photo #46
  1. Communities Under Pressure: The Role of Co-operatives and the Social Economy (Synthesis Report, June 2006) (taken)
  2. Directory and Portrait of Worker Co-operatives in Canada (1988) (taken)
  3. Co-operative Entrepreneurship: A Case Study in Worker Ownership (taken)
  4. Cooperative Information Note: China (taken)
  5. World Council of Credit Unions: 1995 Statistics Report
  6. Multipurpose Rural Community Co-operatives Seminar (Wales 1978) (taken)
  7. The Socialization of Entrepreneurship: The Empirical Division of the Caja Laboral Popular (taken)
  8. Worker's Co-operatives: A People Centered Approach to Regional Development (taken)
  9. Credit Union System: Task Force to Revitalize Member Participation (Feb 1990)

Free Books 43 & 44

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo #43
  1. Sample Policies for Cooperatives (taken)
  2. The Concept and Structure of Cooperative Housing
  3. The Concept and Structure of Cooperative Housing
  4. Help Yourself: The Credit Union Story
  5. Rochdale Ethics: Foundation of Cooperative Culture (includes Rochdale Cooperative's original 1844 bylaws and a concordance of Rochdale principles and ethics) (taken)
  6. What Makes People Co-operate? A Strategy for Member Participation in Housing Co-ops (taken)
  7. Sherwood Co-op Association: Behind the Co-op Sign – Our First 50 Years (taken)
  8. Consumer Cooperation: The Heritage and the Dream (taken)
  9. Employment Co-operatives (taken)
  10. Co-operation and Community Development: A Collection of Essays (taken)

Photo #44
  1. The Finnish Cooperative Law (taken)
  2. Co-op / Consumer Sponsored Health Care Delivery Effectiveness, June 1990
  3. Co-op / Consumer Sponsored Health Care Delivery Effectiveness, June 1990
  4. Medical Co-operatives in the World (taken)
  5. Capital Structures of Cooperatives (taken)
  6. Capital Structures of Cooperatives
  7. Innovative Capitalisation for Irish Co-operatives (taken)
  8. Marketing Fundamentals: Consumers, Coordination, Commitment and Cooperatives
  9. Politics, Race and Co-operative Development: A Case Study of Brent CDA (taken)
  10. Family Friendly Co-ops in Canada (taken)

Free Books 41 & 42

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo #41
  1. Autogestion
  2. Workers' Management in Yugoslavia: Recent Developments and Trends (taken)
  3. Cooperation: Making it Work (American Institute of Cooperation, 1977-78) (taken)
  4. Changing Youth: Starting a Youth Credit Union and Learning Centre (A Case Study of the D. Edward Wells Youth Credit Union) (taken)
  5. Agricultural Co-operation in Denmark (taken)
  6. Stratégie et organisation de l'enterprise coopérative
  7. Co-operatives Today: Selected Essays from Various Fields of Co-operative Activities (A tribute to Prof. Dr. V. Laakkonen) (taken)
  8. The Cooperative Workplace: Potentials and Dilemmas of Organizational Democracy and Participation (taken)
  9. Putting Democracy to Work: A Practical Guide to Starting and Managing Worker-Owned Businesses (taken)
  10. A Game-Theoretic Approach to Political Economy (taken)

Photo #42
  1. Slovenia: The Land of Co-operators (taken)
  2. Non-Food Trade Development: Has Sweden the Answer?
  3. Consumer Owned: Sweden's Cooperative Democracy (taken)
  4. Employment Co-operatives (taken)
  5. The Co-operative Movement in Sweden: Past, Present – the Future (taken)
  6. The Co-operative Movement in Sweden: Past, Present – the Future (taken)
  7. The Neighborhood Cooperative: Economic Democracy in Low-Income Communities (taken)
  8. Co-operation in Eastern & Central Europe: Hungary (taken)
  9. Auditors and Audit Committees of Co-operatives (taken)
  10. A Strategy for Co-operation: Worker Co-ops in London (taken)

Free Books 39 & 40

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo #39
  1. The Co-operative Way: Worker Co-ops in France, Spain and Eastern Europe (taken)
  2. What Happened to the Berkeley Co-op? A Collection of Opinions (taken)
  3. Working and Living in Groups (taken)
  4. Credit Unions: A Self-Study Program for Credit Union Employees
  5. Environment and Cooperatives (taken)
  6. Authority and Board Functions in a Credit Union
  7. An Introduction to Co-operatives: A Self-Study Program
  8. Workers' Participation in Decisions within Undertakings (taken)
  9. Cooperatives in India and Pakistan: Some Aspects (taken)
  10. 1971 Report on Co-operatives by Select Committee on Company Law
  11. We Own It: Starting and Managing Coops, Collectives, and Employee-Owned Ventures (taken)
  12. Business Planning in Canadian Public Administration
  13. Our Diverse Cities: Atlantic Region, Spring 2008
Photo #40
  1. Food Co-ops: An Alternative to Shopping in Supermarkets (A guide to organizing and developing a Food Co-op) (taken)
  2. It's Not Just Money (credit unions) (taken)
  3. By Their Own Hands: A Fieldworker's Account of the Antigonish Movement  (taken)
  4. An Introduction to Co-operatives: A Self-Study Program (taken)
  5. An Introduction to Co-operatives: A Self-Study Program
  6. An Introduction to Co-operatives: A Self-Study Program
  7. Deposits Fully Guaranteed: A History of Saskatchewan's Credit Union Mutual Aid Board, 1953-1983 (taken)
  8. University Continuing Education in Canada: Current Challenges and Future Opportunities
  9. By Their Bootstraps: A History of the Credit Union Movement in Saskatchewan (taken)
  10. Building for the Future: A Photo Journal of Saskatchewan's Legislative Building

Free Books 37 & 38

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo #37
  1. Canadian Economic Problems and Policies
  2. The Next Canadian Economy
  3. Cooperatives: Keystone of Agriculture (American Institute of Co-operation, 1980-81)
  4. Co-operative Housing (taken)
  5. Dairy Co-op Issues in Ireland (with special reference to PLC Activities) (taken)
  6. Vocabulary of Cooperative Terms (taken)
  7. Social Economy: Health and Welfare in Four Canadian Provinces (SK, ON, NB, PQ) (taken)
  8. Understanding the Social Economy: A Canadian Perspective (taken)
  9. Understanding the Social Economy: A Canadian Perspective (taken)
  10. Libraries as Leaders in Community Economic Development (Proceedings of a Conference, June 1998, Victoria, BC)

Photo #38
  1. Modern Canada: 1930-1980's (Readings in Cdn Social History, Vol. 5) (taken)
  2. Social Auditing: A Manual for Co-operative Organizations (taken)
  3. Social Auditing: A Manual for Co-operative Organizations (taken)
  4. Social Auditing: A Manual for Co-operative Organizations
  5. Economic Recovery for Canada: A Policy Framework
  6. Rebuilding from Within: Remedies for Canada's Ailing Economy (1984)
  7. Management of Human Systems
  8. Diffusion of Innovations, 4th ed. (taken)
  9. Social Issues: Sociological Views of Canada, 2nd ed.
  10. An Introduction to Sociology

Free Books 35 & 36

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo #35
  1. Each for All: A History of the Co-operative Movement in English Canada, 1900-1945 (taken)
  2. Each for All: A History of the Co-operative Movement in English Canada, 1900-1945 (taken)
  3. Each for All: A History of the Co-operative Movement in English Canada, 1900-1945
  4. Wile Rice in Canada
  5. Is the Canadian Economy Closing Down?
  6. Privilege and Policy: A History of Community Clinics in Saskatchewan
  7. Co-operation: the Key to Better Communities (A Handbook on the Philosophy, History and Development of Co-operative Organizations in Nova Scotia for use in the Schools of the Province at the Grade Eight to Twelve Level) (taken)
  8. Numerical Recipes: Example Book (Pascal)
  9. Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing
  10. Cooperative Education and Experiential Learning (taken)

Photo #36
  1. Third Sector Care: Prospects for Co-operative and Other Small Care Providers
  2. Changing Youth: Starting a Youth Credit Union and Learning Centre (A Case Study of the D. Edward Wells Youth Credit Union) (taken)
  3. Credit Union Development in Africa (taken)
  4. Desjardins: Une entreprise et un mouvement? Guide Bibliographique (taken)
  5. Le Mouvement Coopératif Québécois (taken)
  6. F.W. Raiffeisen: The Credit Unions (taken)
  7. Building and Protecting the Co-operative Movement: A Brief History of the Co-operative Union of Canada, 1909-1984 (taken)
  8. The Man from Margaree: Writings and Speeches of M. M. Coady, Educator/Reformer/Priest (taken)
  9. Managing Technological Change: Strategies for College and University Leaders
  10. Cradled in the Waves: The Story of a People's Co-operative Achievement in Economic Betterment on Prince Edward Island, Canada

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Free Books 34

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo # 34
  1. Empowerment Through Co-operatives (CASC 1990) (taken)
  2. National Co-operative Development: Resourcing the Co-operative Enterprise
  3. Can Tanzania Co-operatives Learn from the Early Raiffeisen-Cooperatives?
  4. The Theory and Practice of Co-operative Property (CASC 1987) (taken)
  5. Capital Formation in Co-operatives: Social and Economic Considerations (CASC 1988) (taken)
  6. Co-operative Development (CASC 1989)
  7. Globalization and Relevance of Co-operatives (CASC 1991) (taken)
  8. Globalization and Relevance of Co-operatives (CASC 1991)
  9. Co-operative Values in a Changing World (CASC 1998)
  10. Co-operative Values in a Changing World: (CASC 1998)

Free Books 32 & 33

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo #32
  1. The International Co-operative Alliance During Was and Peace, 1910–1950 (taken)
  2. Faith, Hope and Co-operation (taken)
  3. The Co-operative Opportunity
  4. Calgary Co-op – The First Twenty-Five Years
  5. Report of the Royal Commission on Co-operatives, 1945 (taken)
  6. Artisans and Cooperatives: Developing Alternative Trade for the Global Economy (taken)
  7. Scandinavian Co-operative Wholesale Societies (taken)
  8. Political Economy of Agriculture in Western Canada
  9. That Man Partridge: E. A. Partridge, His Thoughts and Times
  10. Furrows, Faith and Fellowship: The History of the Farm Movement in Alberta, 1905–1966 (taken)

Photo #33
  1. Co-operatives: Solutions to 21st Century Challenges
  2. Behind the Co-op Sign: Our First 50 Years (Sherwood Co-op – Regina & District) (taken)
  3. William Pare: Co-operator and Social Reformer (taken)
  4. Adapting Cooperative Policies to Succeed in Changing Food and Fiber Industries
  5. The Discovery of the Consumer (Beatrice Webb) (taken)
  6. Nasco's 1991-92 Guide to Campus Coops: Co-ops from A to Z (taken)
  7. Strategic Planning Handbook for Cooperatives (taken)
  8. Starting a Worker Co-operative: An Introduction (taken)
  9. Co-op Principles (taken)

Free Books 30 & 31

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo #30
  1. The Nature of Co-operation (taken)
  2. Agents for Change: Credit Unions in Saskatchewan (taken)
  3. Agents for Change: Credit Unions in Saskatchewan (taken)
  4. Agents for Change: Credit Unions in Saskatchewan
  5. Building a Dream: The Co-operative Retailing System in Western Canada, 1928-1988 (taken)
  6. Building a Dream: The Co-operative Retailing System in Western Canada, 1928-1988 (taken)
  7. Make No Small Plans: A Cooperative Revival for Rural America (taken)
  8. Make No Small Plans: A Cooperative Revival for Rural America
  9. Farmer Cooperatives in the United States (taken)
  10. Agricultural Cooperatives in Japan: The Dynamics of their Development (taken)

Photo #31
  1. Masters of Their Own Destiny: The Story of the Antigonish Movement of Adult Education Through Economic Cooperation (Coady) (taken)
  2. Masters of Their Own Destiny: The Story of the Antigonish Movement of Adult Education Through Economic Cooperation (Coady) (taken)
  3. Masters of Their Own Destiny: The Story of the Antigonish Movement of Adult Education Through Economic Cooperation (Coady) (taken)
  4. Maitres de leur propre destin (Coady)
  5. History of Cooperation (taken)
  6. Principles of Cooperation
  7. Co-operative Principles  – Today & Tomorrow (taken)
  8. Spirit of the Post Road (Robert R. Meyer) (taken)
  9. Spirit of the Post Road (Robert R. Meyer)
  10. E. A. Stokdyk: Architect of Cooperation (taken)

Free Books 28 & 29

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo #28
  1. The Evolution of Cooperation (taken)
  2. Patterns & Trends of Canadian Co-operative Development (taken)
  3. Harry Fowler: Co-operative Leadership (taken)
  4. Consumer Cooperation and the Society of the Future: from the writings of James Peter Warbasse (taken)
  5. Co-operation Between Co-operatives: A Case Study of Agricultural Co-operatives in the North East of the Republic of Ireland (taken)
  6. Save Our Shop: The Fall and Rise of the Small Co-operative Store (taken)
  7. Operational Efficiency of Agricultural Cooperatives in Developing Countries
  8. Canadian Co-operatives in the Year 2000: Memory, Mutual Aid and the Millennium (taken)
  9. Furrows, Faith and Fellowship: The History of the Farm Movement in Alberta, 1905–1966
  10. The International Co-operative Movement (taken)

Photo #29
  1. The Lord Helps Those ... : How the People of Nova Scotia are Solving Their Problems Through Co-operation (taken)
  2. Farmer Citizen: My 50 Years in the Canadian Farmers' Movement (W.C. Good) (taken)
  3. Caring and Sharing: The Centenary History of the Co-operative Women's Guild (taken)
  4. The Case for Workers' Co-ops (taken)
  5. Without Boundaries: Co-operative Sweden Today and Tomorrow
  6. Co-operatives: The British Achievement (taken)
  7. Workers' Co-operatives: Jobs and Dreams (taken)
  8. United We Stand: Prairie Farmers, 1901 – 1975 (taken)
  9. Canadian Co-operative Law (Francis, 1959) (taken)
  10. Law of Canadian Co-operatives (Ish, 1981) (taken)

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Free Books 27

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo # 27
  1. Making Change? Learning from Europe's Consumer Cooperatives (USA) (taken)
  2. Changing Challenges to Co-operation : Proceedings of a Seminar for Co-operative Personnel Organized by the Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Manitoba, 1967 (taken)
  3. Changing Challenges to Co-operation : Proceedings of a Seminar for Co-operative Personnel Organized by the  Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Manitoba, 1967
  4. Memories of a Co-operative Statesman : Lewis L. Lloyd  (taken)
  5. Caring for Home Place : Protected Areas and Landscape Ecology
  6. Exploring Organic Alternatives : Meeting the Challenge of Agriculture, Health & Community
  7. Enterprise for the Common Man : Proposals for the Revision of the Canada Cooperative Associations Act, 1986
  8. Assessing the Feasibility of Applying the Co-operative Model to First Nations Community Based Development Initiatives : A Case Study of the Xaxl'ep and a Native Plant Nursery (taken)

Free Books 25 & 26

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo #25
  1. How They Sold Our Canada to the USA
  2. Cooperative Financing and Taxation (USA) (taken)
  3. Social Audit : A Management Tool for Co-operative Working (taken)
  4. A New Statute for Cooperatives in the Single Market (European) (taken)
  5. California's Contributions to Cooperation (taken)
  6. Cooperative Principles and Statutes : Legal Descriptions of Unique Enterprises (American) (taken)

Photo #26
  1. Co-operatives and Development : Calcutta, India, February 1986
  2. Co-operative Development : A Case Study in Global Development (taken)
  3. Equity Redemption and Member Equity Allocation Practices in Agricultural Cooperatives (USA)
  4. The Cooperatives in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1984 (Statistics) (taken)
  5. How to Start a Cooperative (USA) (taken)
  6. How to Organize a Cooperative (USA) (taken)
  7. Membership : An Organizational View (USA)
  8. Geographic Distribution of Non-Financial Co-operatives in Canada : A Rural-Urban Perspective
  9. Geographic Distribution of Non-Financial Co-operatives in Canada : A Rural-Urban Perspective
  10. Co-operatives in Ontario : Incorporating a Co-operative Without Share Capital 
  11. Membership Structural Design : A Pilot Test on DHI Cooperatives (USA)
  12. Historical Review of the Co-operative Movement in French Canada : 1850–2000 (taken)
  13. Historical Review of the Co-operative Movement in French Canada : 1850–2000 (taken)
  14. aperçu historique du mouvement coopératif au Canada français : 1850–2000 (the same as the above title but in French) (taken)

Free Books 23 & 24

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

 Photo #23
  1. The Nature of Co-operation (taken)
  2. The Nature of Co-operation (taken)
  3. The Nature of Co-operation (taken)
  4. The Nature of Co-operation (taken)
  5. The Cooperative Road to Abundance : The Alternative to Monopolism and Communism (1953) (taken)
  6. Making Mondragon : The Growth and Dynamics of the Worker Cooperative Complex (taken)
  7. Managing the Cooperative Difference : A Survey of the Application of Modern Management Practices in the Cooperative Context (taken)
  8. The Evolution of Cooperation (taken)
  9. Consumer Cooperation in France : The Politics of Consumption, 1834–1930 (taken)
  10. Organizational Behaviour

Photo #24
  1. Marketing for Co-ops : A Practical Guide (taken)
  2. Co-operative Principles - Today and Tomorrow (taken)
  3. Principles of Co-operation (taken)
  4. Principles of Co-operation
  5. The Co-operative Opportunity (taken)
  6. Patterns and Trends of Canadian Co-operative Development (taken)
  7. Harry L. Fowler – Co-operative Leadership (taken)
  8. Profile of World Agricultural Cooperation, 1996 (taken)
  9. Underdevelopment and Education : Selected Annotated Resources for Saskatchewan and Canadian Educators
  10. Midways, Judges, and Smooth-Tongued Fakirs : The Illustrated History of Country Fairs in the Prairie West
  11. Saskatchewan, 1905-2005: Guide for Teachers

Free Books 21 & 22

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo #21
  1. Healing the Wounds : The Promise of Ecofeminism
  2. The Spirit of the Soil : Agriculture and Environmental Ethics
  3. Adoption of New Ideas and Practices : a summary of the research dealing with the acceptance of technological change in agriculture, with implications for action in facilitating such change (Iowa, 1960)
  4. Global Ecology
  5. Statistics for Social Change
  6. The Wheatgrass Mechanism : Science and Imagination in the Western Canadian Landscape
  7. Agriculture in the City's Countryside
  8. Green Cities : Ecologically Sound Approaches to Urban Space
  9. Agroecology : The Science of Sustainable Agriculture
  10. Case Study Research : Design and Methods (taken)

Photo #22
  1. The Leisure Shock
  2. The Planning of Change
  3. Effective Evaluation : Improving the Usefulness of Evaluation Results Through Responsive and Naturalistic Approaches
  4. Intensive Agriculture and Sustainability : A Farming Systems Analysis
  5. Report on the Demographic Situation in Canada 1993
  6. Integrating Research : A Guide for Literature Reviews (taken)
  7. Outside the Lines : Issues in Interdisciplinary Research (taken)
  8. Self-Renewal : The Individual and the Innovative Society
  9. Hard Tomatoes, Hard Times : A Report of the Agribusiness Accountability Project on the Failure of America's Land Grant College Complex (taken)
  10. Case Study Method : Key Issues, Key Texts (taken)

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Free Books 20

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo #20
  1. Condensation of the Sixth Annual Review of the Economic Council of Canada: Perspective 1975
  2. Words that Count Women In
  3. Holding the Line: A Strategy for Canada's Development
  4. The Perkins Lectures
  5. The Universities of the Future: From the Ivory Tower to the Market Square
  6. Gateway to the Global Garden: Beta/ Gamma Science for Dealing with Ecological Rationality
  7. In Union is Strength
  8. Questions for Rural Canadians: Rural Dialogue Workbook
  9. Take Hogs, for Example: The Transformation of Hog Farming in America
  10. Local Government in Saskatchewan: A Report Submitted to the Government of Saskatchewan
  11. The Corporate Response to Workers with Family Responsibilities
  12. Farming Facts 1993: Statistical Insights on Canadian Agriculture
  13. The New Face of Poverty: Income Security Needs of Canadian Families
  14. Tourism Marketing for Rural Communities in Canada and the United States: Developing a Strategic Marketing Plan
  15. Cooperatives and the Breakup of Large Mechanized Farms: Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Evidence (taken)
  16. Strategic Planning for the Community Economic Development Practitioner (taken)
  17. A Statistical Profile of Urban Poverty
  18. Citizen Participation in the '90s: Realities, Challenges and Opportunities
  19. La Couronne Canadienne: La Monarchie constitutionelle au Canada
  20. Saskatchewan Crown Corporations: Review 1996
  21. Poverty in Canada
  22. Issues Relating to Value-added Processing of Agricultural Products in Manitoba
  23. Off Farm Work by Farmers
  24. Manitoba: The Color of a Province (taken)
  25. Alberta: The Color of a Province
  26. Financial Assistance Programs for Small and Medium-sized Businesses
Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Free Books 19

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo # 19
  1. American Government 01/02
  2. Statistical Abstract of the United States 1999: The National Data Book
  3. The Web of Life (taken)
  4. Emergence from the Chaos to Order
  5. Agroecology: The Science of Sustainable Agriculture (taken)
  6. The Political Economy of Economic Adjustment
  7. The Politics of Economic Policy
  8. Exploring Sustainable Alternatives
  9. Against the Tide: Community-initiated Development, the Evangeline Experience (taken)
  10. Women, Law and Social Change: Core Readings and Current Issues

Free Books 17 & 18

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo #17
  1. Cases and Readings for Marketing for nonprofit Organizations
  2. The Politics of Inflation and Economic Stagnation
  3. The Power of Ethical Management
  4. Common Property Resources: Ecology and Community-Based Sustainable Development (taken)
  5. Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada (taken)
  6. A Century of Co-operation (taken)
  7. The Companion to Development Studies
  8. Communities, Development and Sustainability Across Canada
  9. Together a Journal of Cooperation and Community (taken)
  10. The UFA/ UFWA, 1909-1921 (taken)

Photo #18
  1. Le Phenomene Bureaucratique
  2. Technological Change in Canadian Industry
  3. Religion, Economics and Social Thought
  4. Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (taken)
  5. Morality of the Market: Religious and Economic Perspectives (taken)
  6. Economics Explained
  7. Environment, Employment ad Development
  8. OECD Agricultural Outlook 1999-2004
  9. Transition to a More Sustainable Agriculture in Iowa
  10. Strengthening Endogenous Development Patterns in European Agriculture

Free Books 15 & 16

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo # 15
  1. The Casual Theory of Justice
  2. Parliament vs. People
  3. Making Kind Choices
  4. The Electronic Republic
  5. The Change Masters
  6. Jumping the Curve
  7. Group Leadership and Democratic Action (taken)
  8. Water for a Dry Land
  9. Rural Development in a Changing World
  10. Controversies in Sociology: A Canadian Introduction

Photo # 16
  1. The Story of CIS and Cooperative Insurance Services (taken)
  2. The Story of CIS and Cooperative Insurance Services (taken)
  3. The Agrarian Revolt in Western Canada (taken)
  4. Populism and Democratic Thought in Canadian Prairies (taken)
  5. For the Common God
  6. Challenges for a New Century
  7. Joining the Entrepreneurial Elite
  8. The New Practical Guide to Canadian Political Economy
  9. Domestic Goods: The Material, the Moral and the Economic in the Postwar Years (taken)
  10. Contemporary International Relations

Friday, November 29, 2013

Free Books, 13 & 14

When requesting a book, please indicate the book title and the photo and book numbers. Example: "The Three Waves of Globalization. Photo 2.7," which is the 7th book in the 2nd photo. Click on photos to see them in larger format.

Photo #13
  1. The Third Revolution
  2. Capital Formation in Canada
  3. Communities in Disaster
  4. An Introduction to Modern Economics
  5. Farmer's Movements in Canada (taken)
  6. The Modern Democratic State
  7. Canadian Foreign Policy
  8. Democratic Economic Policy (taken)
  9. In Pursuit of the Public Good
  10. The Leader of the Future: New Visions, Strategies and Practices for the Next Era

Photo #14
  1. Time to Change
  2. A Century of Grant MacEwan
  3. Organizational Strategy: Structure and Process
  4. A Political Sociology of Public Aid to Industry (taken)
  5. Planning and the Economy
  6. Game Theory in the Social Sciences
  7. Equity and Efficiencyc in Economic Development
  8. History of the USSU (taken)
  9. Cultivating Change, Achieving Results
  10. Vietnam-Canada: Friendship Beyond Border
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